Friday, May 16, 2008

After I Graduate....

After graduation, I plan on attending LSU and majoring in marketing and minoring in spanish. LSU has always been the college that I wanted to go to and I have worked hard to sustain a high GPA in order to get in. I want to be able to work as a successful real estate agent as my career. During my first year at LSU I plan to live in a dorm room. I hear that is what will be required to go to college there, so I guess that is what I am going to do. After that, though, I am definitely going to move back in with my parents because there is no way in hell that I will be able to afford rent for an apartment. I'll have free food and board over there without the whole curfew deal, so it is a pretty sweet set-up. Once I have saved up some money I'll move in with one of my friends and we can split the rent. After graduating, I most likely will start off working for a real estate agency and hopefully one day I can become an independent agent and run my own business. Of course, I want to get married and have kids, but that's definitely not as clear as my college and career plans.