Sunday, March 9, 2008

Inaudible Melodies

The news reports going-ons from around the world. On average, you'll see reports of "brushfire fairytales" of seemingly unimportant events. You'll hear of the "itsy bitsy diamond wells" and "big fat hurricanes", or the small amounts of good that is announced to the public compared to the huge disasters that are so-called occurring. You'll also hear the "yellow bellied given names" given to those who the blame can easily be put upon by those cowards who need somewhere to point their fingers. A shortcut - flashing pictures going across a TV screen, 30-second narrations at most for each, and minimal knowledge for those who try to keep up with it. And our negligence and naivete of what is going on around us will be our downfall.
"Dust off your thinking caps" and consider what you are being told. False headlines, dressed-up guilt, and you are just as guilty to believe blindly as those who report knowingly. Yet take away the exaggerated narration and you see what is true..the images that can speak for themselves, free from corruption.
If the pictures would slow, if there weren't any more confusing flashes of seemingly insignificant events, we could see the whole picture. We could know what was going on around us and not be in the dark with nothing but a TV-prompt telling us what to believe.
Soundless clips serve a purpose, but not an honest one. They can be twisted to tell a different story. We can be made to believe what we are told is true. We see what we are allowed to, and the revised story severes off everything else. "Eisenstein should just relax," and the fleeting frames on our screens should slow.
Plato's cave, or those who believe what they are told without question, is full of people who do not like what they have seen, but still wouldn't trust what hasn't been reported by an anchorman. Fabricated lies and deranged truths are what they hold on to. Who could bear the thought of the media lying?