Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Global Warming - Who's to Blame?

Global warming has been a topic of discussion that has spun the world into a frenzy, but is the issue even an issue at all? Global warming is an often romanticized theory and is accepted without question. Though many would love to point a finger at the human population, climate change has always been of the norm, and human activity has never had anything to do with it.

Taking the size of the Earth’s atmosphere into account, it is very difficult for humans to have such a drastic impact on something so large. Humans contribute to 0.28% of Earth’s atmosphere. That includes car exhaust, factories and other forms of pollution. That 0.28% is certainly not enough to cause anything near a global warming by itself. The build-up of carbon dioxide, as many would be quick to point out, is what causes the green-house effect. Humans, supposedly, are the cause of this excessive amount of greenhouse gases. But is this correct? After the second World War, cars, TVs and other goods were mass produced during what was called the post-war economic boom. Before this, though, during a time even before cars and planes were invented, temperatures had already begun to climb. And after the economic boom, when temperatures were supposed to rise, temperatures actually dropped. This completely goes against the theory of global warming. Therefore, the increase in temperature today could not be based on activity of people occurring right now.

With this information in mind, humans are obviously not at fault for global warming. Drastic temperature changes have happened in the past. In the 14th century, Europe experienced what was called the Little Ice Age, where temperatures were so low that large bodies of water were completely frozen over for prolonged periods of time. Before that, there was the medieval period where temperatures were warmer than they are today. Before the medieval period, there was the bronze age where temperatures were even higher than that of the medieval period for more than three millennia. There has been an Ice Age and a time where the entire planet was covered in tropical rainforests. Clearly, climate change has always taken place and without the help of humans. It has occurred before humans even existed.

Though global warming may seem a daunting reality, it is a natural occurrence in nature. It is as natural as rain or snow or hail. A world-wide panic is completely unnecessary because of a couple degree rise in temperature. There is nothing anyone can do to prevent global warming, much less cause it.